Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good Music

Song of Susannah is the sixth of seven books in the Dark Tower series--which it feels as if I have been reading for years. This one is considerably shorter than the last few volumes, and less structured as well. It is set up in "stanzas" rather than chapters, and each ends with a campfire song sort of call and response routine. Though reviews on Amazon are decidedly mixed, I actually enjoyed this departure more than some of the previous adventures. A lot of the content is very dream-like, as the plot begins to see time, and some of the fabric of reality start to unravel. I was able to run with this, though I agree that there is a plot twist toward the end that felt self-indulgent to me on King's part. In the interst of avoiding spoilers, I will not go into further detail on that point.

I am interested in finding out the end of this story and will look forward to picking up the final segment fairly soon. Sometimes people say that the characters in books can come to feel like friends that you don't want to see leave. I don't exactly feel like that in this case--I doubt I'll pine for Roland when he's gone--but I am curious to see if King can pull off an ending that doesn't seem inadeqate given the tremendous scale of his undertaking.

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