Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dave Barry

I read my first Dave Barry column back when I was probaby 13 or 14. I still remember that it contained some bit about how snakes were learning to move from toilet to toilet, which I thought was absolutely hilarious. As a middle and high schooler, I read quite a few of his books and generally enjoyed most of them a lot. Now that I'm somewhat older, I don't think Barry is quite the genius I used to, but I still find him surprising enough that I don't mind picking up one of his books once in a while. Dave Barry's Greatest Hits is from the late eighties, so the political jokes don't have too much resonance these days, but it's a fine time anyway. Actually, I've often wondered about Barry's politics--obviously as a non-political humorist, he's obligated to make jokes about figures in both political parties, but it's hard to determine if he's really got a dog in the fight. I sort of suspect he may be a closet Republican. Anyway, don't expect anything too deep (aside from a strangely moving column about the death of his father) and you won't be disappointed.

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